Members page
We will have a special squadron meeting on Sunday evening, 26 MAR 2023, starting at 1700 (5:00pm). This is our annual Safety Day and Risk Management Day, as required by Civil Air Patrol. You are invited to join us. This meeting will be online, on Zoom, and you should have received a notice about it via your email.
Our regular squadron meetings are currently on-hold. Our usual meeting time was weekly on Sunday evenings, from 1700-1930 local time. Meetings most recently were at the Pompositticut Community Center in Stow.
There is no need to CALL-UP now. But if you want to, you may use the form below.
Visitors may also use the Call-Up form below. If you are a visitor, make certain to let us know by other means (telephone, email, or by talking to us in person) as well. As we have no regular meetings now, we must know if you have plans to visit one of our meetings. If you think you're coming to our regular weekly meeting, you might be mistaken. So let us know by other means!
A few Past and Future Squadron Special Activities:
July 2019: Orientation Flights (O-Flights), 27 JUL 2019
August 2019: Massachusetts Wing Encampment, 9 - 18 AUG 2019
September 2019: Marlborough Labor Day Parade, 2 SEP 2019
October 2019: squadron Halloween Party
14-15 December 2019: O-flights
25-26 January 2020: SAREX
22-23 February 2020: SAREX
27 FEB - 1 MAR 2020: CAP Legislative Day
7 MAR, or 22 MAR, or 4 APR: New England Air Museum (POSTPONED)
TBD: USS Intrepid and 9/11 Memorial (POSTPONED)
27 SEP 2020: Model Rocketry class
31 OCT 2020: Drill training for new (Bravo) cadets
22 NOV 2020: Orientation Flights
16-18 JAN 2021: Orientation Flights
9-15 AUG 2021: Massachusetts Wing Encampment
12-14 AUG 2021: National Conference
07 NOV 2021: James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) activity
07 NOV 2021: Telescope viewing
More to come
AE, STEM, or other things of interest:
James Webb Space Telescope launch, 25 December (Christmas day!) at 0720 hours Eastern time
New NER Region Commander, Col Everett Hume, effective 22 AUG 21
New NER Region Vice Commander, effective 22 AUG 21
New CAP National Commander, Maj Gen Edward Phelka, effective 26 AUG 21
New CAP National Vice Commander, Brig Gen Regena Aye, effective 26 AUG 21
New MAWG Wing Commander, Col Walter (Tim) Nelson, effective 16 OCT 21
New MAWG Wing Vice Commander, Lt Col Carleton Jones, effective 16 OCT 21
Our Squadron meets most Sunday nights from 5pm to 7:30pm at the Marlborough Central Fire Station at 215 Maple St in Marlborough, MA.